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Professionalize you board work through Networking and certification training

Success for an organization is often dependent on getting all parts to work together – from individual employees, to synergy between departments, managers, management team, CEO and board. Understanding of other parts of the organization is the basis of consensus, and board work in particular is often considered disconnected and mythical, at the same time as it is the most important strategic management function.

Therefore, we see that organizations regardless of size deserve to learn about board work in the capacity of understanding, collaborating and influencing. Likewise, we see that more and a greater variety of board graduates would serve our ecosystem and thus invite you to this unique opportunity to delve deeper into this work.

There are many different success factors, experiences and form requirements to take part in, in order to become more professional in managing your company. In collaboration with StyrelseAkademien, STUNS offers a series of meetings where the ambition is for participants to gain an important insight into the governance of a company.

Together we form a unique network where everyone shares the same idea and vision – to create more professional boards. Partly because we know that it contributes to strengthening the innovation capacity, competitiveness and ability of Swedish companies and organisations. But also for all the other positives it brings; A sustainable and future-proof business sector and secured welfare, for the creation of jobs and the development of Sweden as a country for current and future generations.

Erik Jonzon, from  StyrelseAkademien Uppsala, will be leading the program series. Read more about Erik and StyrelseAkademien further down on this page.

If you are a CEO who wants to better understand and collaborate with your board or a senior manager who sees board work as something you want to get involved in in the future, register your interest at the link below.

*The program is eligable for founders and/or leaders in SME companies, developing innovative products/services, in the Life science sector, in Eastern Central Sweden (Uppsala, Västmanlands, Sörmlands, Östergötlands and Örebro county).

The Program

The program consists of networking meetings and as well as a certification training ”Right focus in board work”. 

Part I Introduction & Networking

Each meeting takes place between 10:00 – 13:00 including a joint lunch.

January 24th Introduction to the board work and the basic concepts.

February 28th Early stage corporate governance vs governance in the growth phase.

March 21th Entrepreneurship, investment perspective, corporate governance, how does it work in reality? Guest speaker: Gisela Sitbon

April 25th Joint network meeting and mingle with other active members from StyrelseAkademien. Including panel discussion with distinguished board professionals.

Part II Certification training & Matchmaking

Certification training: Two full day training in September. For active participants in existing network.

The right focus in board work gives you the basics and tools, so that you can contribute in a professional way to developing your company’s profitability and performance in the long term.

The training is divided into four blocks that cover most of what you need to know about corporate governance: how to get the right staffing, the right management and orientation, as well as a more practical section on the right way of working which also touches on the issue of responsibility.

The training also includes an opportunity to certify you as a board member. This means that after completing the training you take an exam. If you pass the exam, you will receive proof that you are a certified board member.

Matchmaking event will be arranged in september/october for companies seeking board power. Companies register interest and prepare a pitch to attract new board members with the help of  StyrelseAkademien. Membership in the Board Academy is required.

Meet the lecturer from StyrelseAkademien

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    Date & Time:

    24/1 10:00-13:00

    28/2 10:00-13:00

    21/3 10:00-13:00

    25/4 10:00-13:00

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    Other info:

    Participants: Limited number of participants. We reserve the right to select participants.

    Other: The program will be held in Swedish.

Contact me for more information

Dajana Ilic Susak

Project Manager
+46 (0)70 – 230 91 50

Erik Jonzon has a solid background in sales and marketing. He has an international background, including exports to 64 different countries. Erik has worked in leading company positions in a number of strong Swedish export companies, various boards, both as chairman and member, and as a consultant in business management. He has been the StyrelseAkademien’s representative in Uppsala since 2018.

StyrelseAkademien  is a non-profit organization with more than 8,000 members that promotes professional board work. In the main, the organization provides education and skills-enhancing courses. The basic courses also provide the opportunity for course participants to certify themselves as trained board members.


This program is part of the initiatives run by STUNS Life science through the project´s BIO-X Accelerate.
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