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Leadership- and organisational development program Founder to leader

We have noticed the need for a development program that further strengthens the innovative environment that is characteristic of start-ups and growth companies. Where the focus is on strengthening the team skills required to be able to create results with others and that can offer an arena for developing its own leadership. After receiving great feedback from the participants from the first and second round of the program, we are now implementing it again.

Growing companies go through many different phases during their growth, when the group of founders are expanded to a smaller taskforce with a ”start-up mentality”, where more employees are added, experts, new hierarchies, several employees in similar positions and where a few employees have soon become ten or twenty. During all these phases, different ways of working are required, needs for culture, internal communication, as well as more administrative tasks, structure and clarity.

There is a great need for transparency, sensitivity, and perhaps large staff turnover – as conditions change. No two organizations are identical, but the tools for growing together as a team are about the same.

Join us and add value to your organisation!

*The program is eligable for founders and/or leaders in SME companies, developing innovative products/services, in the Life science sector, in Eastern Central Sweden (Uppsala, Västmanlands, Sörmlands, Östergötlands and Örebro county).

The Program

The program will be held in Swedish, on three occasions during the spring, in which ”micro lectures” are given, as well as reflection sessions in small groups and all together. Some examples of themes that we will deepen during our meetings:

  • My own driving forces as a leader, my strengths and challenges.
  • Leadership to create commitment, results and learning.
  • Leadership based on trust, personal care and creativity to take advantage of individuals’ abilities.
  • How can we create and lead flexible teams where experts have the opportunity to perform and learn together?
  • Teaming – The teaming process and the skills that make a difference.
  • How do we create a culture where you have commitment and take responsibility for the whole?
  • Management team – How to create a platform and forum for development-work and decision-making?
  • The importance of being able to navigate a life of unpredictability and complexity.

In addition to the program, you are also part of the alumni network that focuses on leadership and organizational development issues. The alumni network offers a continued forum for meeting, exchanging experiences and learning from other colleagues in the industry, even after the end of the program.
Currently the alumni network consists of participants from 22 different life science companies in the region, from the two previous programmes.

Meet the lecturers from IPF

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    Friday 10/2
    Friday 3/3
    Thursday 30/3

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    Innovation Hub Uppsala

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    Other info:

    Participants: Limited number of participants. 2 representatives/company recommended. We strive for diversified teams. We reserve the right to select participants.

    Other: The program will be held in Swedish.

Contact me for more information

Dajana Ilic Susak

Project Manager
+46 (0)70 – 230 91 50

Porträttbild av Gabriel Gardell.
Porträttbild av Annika Gistvall.

Gabriel Gardell is a licensed psychologist and active as a senior consultant at IPF, with 20 years of consulting experience in the public, non-profit and private sectors. He has extensive experience in designing and implementing leadership development programs in combination with development of management teams. Gabriel has his own management experience and is often hired as consultative support to management and as a coach to managers and leaders at all levels within knowledge-intensive operations.

Annika Gistvall is a licensed psychologist with extensive experience of working with organizational and leadership development. She trains, supervises and coaches leaders at various levels, from directors general at government agencies and supervisors in the public sector to management teams in smaller private companies.

IPF (Institute for Personnel and Organizational Development) is owned by Uppsala University and helps organizations, managers and leaders deal with today’s and tomorrow’s complex challenges. We work with management and leadership development at all levels in organizations, from specialists to the highest management level. The forms we use can be both leadership programs as well as training for management groups, and various forms of more individual or challenge-driven support.

This program is part of the initiatives run by STUNS Life science through the project´s BIO-X Accelerate and Sustainable cluster development.
stunsls rätt
Intitutet för personal- och företagsutvecklings logotyp.
European regional development fund logo.