We need to play more jazz together
STUNS Life science is part of the foundation STUNS (Stiftelsen för samverkan mellan universiteten i Uppsala, näringsliv och samhälle) in Uppsala working to promote and enable public and private collaborations in order to create knowledge-based and sustainable growth – within the area of life sciences and health.
The region of Uppsala (Sweden) is the intermediate region with the highest overall position – sixth place – just ahead of one of the urban regions. The presence of a large university and life science sector helps to explain why Uppsala has the highest proportion of people with tertiary education and the highest level of R&D investment per capita of the intermediate regions. The region also benefits from the proximity of the capital region of Stockholm and Arlanda Airport, which contributes to Uppsala’s high net migration rate.
The quote above comes from the report State of the Nordic region 2020 by the Nordic Council of Ministers highlighting Uppsalas’ excellent growth opportunity.
In addition to what’s mentioned in the quote, I would like to add that Uppsala benefits from TWO strong and internationally acclaimed universities; The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Uppsala University – both with world-leading research and educational programs within life sciences and health.
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Björn Arvidsson
Managing director
+46 (0) 70 – 994 36 06