The annual life science event Uppsala LIFE
We look forward to hosting you at the annual Uppsala LIFE event that will be held on October 11th. During this event we gather, inspire and show the excellence of life science.
Next Generation Life Xcience
Life science, just like other knowledge- and research-intensive areas, is currently undergoing a transformation. We are in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution where technical, biological and digital technologies are merging and creating new rules of the game and industry definitions. We call this convergence Life Xcience.
This disruptive change requires new ways of approaching opportunities and challenges, as well as lifelong learning. As we step into this revolution, we also need to capture the next generation – those who will curiously carry on the legacy and the behaviors and ways of working that will make us successful tomorrow.
Uppsala Castle open its doors for the fifth edition of Uppsala LIFE on 11 October 2023. Welcome!
12.00-13.00 Registration and Mingle
13.00-13.30 Welcome & Intro
13.30-14.00 Vertical and horizontal learning between sectors and generations
Guests: Adam Elhert (Uppsala University), Bengt Gustavsson (Sangus Jazz AB), Mikael Gidhagen (Uppsala Univsersity), Ulf Daneklev (Wolfvone Consulting AB)
Hosted by: Erik Allard, STUNS Life science
14.00-14.30 Break/Mingle
14.30-15.00 The silent facilitators
Guests: Elin Sins (Semcon) and Jonas Gibson (BIOLOGEAL)
Hosted by: Elliot Westerlind, Oskar Wiggins, STUNS Life science
15.00-15.30 Learning through co-creation on different levels
Guests: Joel Ambré (Vectura Fastigheter) and Magnus Bårdén (Compare, iHubs Sweden)
Hosted by: Björn Arvidsson, STUNS Life science
15.30-15.45 Break/Mingle
15.45-16.15 Engaging activity
16.15-17.00 Utilization of cross functional benefits
Guests: Susanna Sternberg Lewerin (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU) and Linus Bengtsson (Flowminder)
Hosted by: Fanny Blom, STUNS Life science
17.00-19.00 Mingle

11th of October
Rikssalen, Uppsala Castle, Drottning Christinas väg 1E 75237 UppsalaOther info:
The event is free of charge.
Light snacks and drinks will be served for those registered.
Contact me for more information

Anisha Khan
Project Manager
+46 (0)70 – 341 79 84
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