12.00-13.00 Registration and Mingle
13.00-13.30 Welcome & Intro
13.30-14.00 Vertical and horizontal learning between sectors and generations
Guests: Adam Elhert (Uppsala University), Bengt Gustavsson (Sangus Jazz AB), Mikael Gidhagen (Uppsala Univsersity), Ulf Daneklev (Wolfvone Consulting AB)
Hosted by: Erik Allard, STUNS Life science
14.00-14.30 Break/Mingle
14.30-15.00 The silent facilitators
Guests: Elin Sins (Semcon) and Jonas Gibson (BIOLOGEAL)
Hosted by: Elliot Westerlind, Oskar Wiggins, STUNS Life science
15.00-15.30 Learning through co-creation on different levels
Guests: Joel Ambré (Vectura Fastigheter) and Magnus Bårdén (Compare, iHubs Sweden)
Hosted by: Björn Arvidsson, STUNS Life science
15.30-15.45 Break/Mingle
15.45-16.15 Engaging activity
16.15-17.00 Utilization of cross functional benefits
Guests: Susanna Sternberg Lewerin (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU) and Linus Bengtsson (Flowminder)
Hosted by: Fanny Blom, STUNS Life science
17.00-19.00 Mingle