Unlimited ecosystems
Uppsala – as well as the capital region of Sweden – is well renowned for life science and innovation. Strong institutions, a high-trust community, and plenty of expertise and talent provide for high innovation capabilities all packed in a dense space with close proximity to everything. At the same time, Uppsala is the fastest growing county and city in Sweden, making it even more attractive for investments.
In addition, the role of ecosystems and clusters is changing. Where yesterday’s focus was on economic growth, today’s aim is to use the capabilities to meet the societal challenges (opportunities?). If this proves successful, the effect will be economic growth. Same outcome, but the approach differs making all the difference for the community and its way of working together.
With that, tomorrow’s ecosystems and clusters need to be limitless in terms of thematic and geographical borders. We’ll learn and find inspiration from other sectors in other parts of the world – and thus, needs to reach out and work closely with other knowledge-intensive areas of our world.
For STUNS Life science, this is our focus in times when everything is about sustainable development, digital transformation, and skills supply. In order to be successful, we need to collaborate and share, inspire and learn, and build trust and relevance.
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Björn Arvidsson
Managing director
+46 (0) 70 – 994 36 06