Welcome to a webinar about how you can secure your business through a sustainability strategy
The demand of a sustainability strategy is constantly increasing among stakeholders in both the public and private sector. To optimize the attraction of clients, co-workers, and investors you need to make sure to keep strategic sustainability on the agenda.
You are hereby invited to an information webinar about the Sustainability program arranged in collaboration with PURE ACT. The invitation is offered Life science companies in East Middle Sweden.
If you and your company choose to be a part of the Sustainability program you will be guided through different stages. These stages will give you an understanding of the relevant sustainability questions for your company, the basis for a successful sustainability strategy.
You will get access to a digital tool for tracking and reporting your sustainability work, and at the end of the program you have the opportunity of receiving a certificate. This certificate will be the proof of your proactive work regarding sustainability and of you reporting according to the law – Hållbarhetslagen (6 kap 12 § ÅRL).
After the program you will be ready to meet new and tougher demands from your stakeholders.
For businesses who:
* Operates within the Life science sector
* Are located within East Middle Sweden (Uppsala, Västmanlands, Sörmlands, Östergötlands och Örebro län)
* Have 1-100 employees
You will get:
* Participation on four webinars (digital through Zoom).
* 1 year access to PURE ACT’s digital tool for the sustainability report.
* A certificate (provided that your accountant review the sustainability report)
When: 17th of March, 9:00-10:00
Where: Digital
Other: The webinar is held in Swedish

Program content
Webinar 1 (20 april) – Preparatory work
We review important information about sustainability and the requirements for small and medium-sized companies. We then analyze your current situation, opportunities and threats to determine which sustainability issues you should prioritize, linked to the UN’s 17 global goals.
Webinar 2 (4 maj) – Introduction to the digital tool
We introduce you to our digital tool and explain how you create your sustainability strategy and sustainability report based on the priorities and boundaries we came to during the first webinar. The digital tool contains checklists of various kinds that you can process on your own after the webinar.
Webinar 3 (25 maj) – The sustainability report
We follow up on how it has gone for you to get started with the work in the tool. There will probably be a lot of discussion and questions here. We explain what you need to do for the sustainability report to meet the requirements of the Hållbarhetslagen so that you can receive a certificate after the program.
Webinar 4 (8 juni) – Implementation and communication
We explain how you proceed with the sustainability work after the program. Here, the focus will be on implementation and inclusion of employees as well as external communication. We will also explain what support you can get in the area in the future.
Maximum 14 companies with a maximum of 2 people per company will be accepted. First come!