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Equality – a prerequisite for a sustainable development

The sustainability efforts within the life science sector mostly revolve around environmental issues, despite the fact that the concept – and the global goals – also encompass social and economic sustainability.

This is my impression and conclusion after conversations with actors involved in innovation promotion, as well as entrepreneurs and employees in Uppsala’s life science sector. It seems that the social aspects of sustainability work are being deprioritized, important success factors such as equality and diversity are being overshadowed, and significant portions of the population’s valuable experiences, skills, and knowledge are at risk of being lost.

Organizations and companies that do not address all aspects of sustainability may face challenges in attracting funding and personnel. Therefore, I believe that all of us who work with entrepreneurs aiming to start and lead tomorrow’s life science companies have a responsibility and an important task in educating, creating opportunities, highlighting, and setting good examples.

My hope is that this report can serve as a starting point and a catalyst for joint efforts towards a more sustainable business environment, where we, within the innovation support system, can contribute to further increased competitiveness in the business sector.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss these issues or are interested in creating value together.

Dajana Ilic Susak
+46 (0) 70 – 230 91 50