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Sustainable Cluster Development

The Sustainable Cluster Development project aims to promote the growth of a strong and sustainable life science sector, where Uppsala will be perceived as an internationally leading development environment for life science companies and thus mentioned among the top five life science environments in Europe.

Project aim

The project organization has identified that the life science sector is facing challenges and is in need of change. Those challenges consist of a future generational change with the risk of a significant loss of skills and an industrial revolution that means that industry boundaries are blurred. To meet these challenges, the Sustainable Cluster Development project wants to create new forms of cluster formation and collaboration in life science.

The project’s overall strategy:

  • Strengthen the innovation capacity and collaboration structure throughout Eastern Central Sweden.
  • Contribute to the development of clusters with national and global sustainability.
  • Contribute to a stronger business climate and entrepreneurship for more establishments and increased entrepreneurship.

In the long term, the goal is to promote the growth of a strong and sustainable life science sector where Uppsala as a region is to be perceived as an internationally leading development environment. During the project period, Sustainable Cluster Development will collaborate with other actors to achieve its goals. To develop and broaden the cluster organization, the collaboration will be linked between academia, business, and society in life science.

Financing: STUNS Life science, ERDF (Project ID: 20203391)
Project duration: 2020-2022
STUNS Life science role: Project manager
Contact: Björn Arvidsson 


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