Welcome to LIFE-PUB
Uppsala Business Park, September 20th (2022), 16:00-20:00
STUNS Life science together with Connect Sverige Region Uppsala and Uppsala Business Park, invite you to LIFE PUB (formerly called BIO-PUB).
LIFE-PUB is a meeting place for the Life science community. A meeting place where you may take part in exciting lectures and meet new and old acquaintances in a relaxed manner.
In addition to good bar hangings and mingling, this first meeting will focus on UX design – about design work that improves the users’ experience of a service or product.
16:00 Bus pickup (from SLU, Uppsala Sceince Park and Resecenter Uppsala C)
16:30 Welcome!
17:00 – 18:00 Lectures on the topic of UX
18:00 – 20:00 Food and mingle
(You will be redirected to UBP registration form)
We will update the event with more information on an ongoing basis. Stay up to date with the latest information regarding the event here on the website and on our LinkedIn page.