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- Get the lates scales of Uppsala's life science sector

For the past few years, STUNS Life Science has been working on developing a database that collects, analyzes, and visualizes the latest trends in the life science sector in Uppsala. The scope has now expanded to include a broader national approach, and additional connected sectors are being incorporated into the database. This magazine aims to showcase the wonders of the data in our collection, to which you can contribute and access for free.

Access to good data is crucial for making strategic decisions, and the Insight machine provides this ability by collaborating with others to validate the data. With this collaboration, access to the entire Swedish business population within life science is now available. The aim is to provide everyone with the opportunity to understand, enrich themselves, and contribute to the collective development of this data source, which can be accessed via their website.

The data reveals that life science is a Swedish strength, particularly in Uppsala, with more companies being created, increased employment, higher turnover, and greater capital attraction, indicating a positive momentum. However, smaller systems face challenges such as the aftermath of a comprehensive pandemic, nearby conflicts, high energy prices, and inflation. Nevertheless, strong systems provide a buffering effect, and the data in the report confirms that the engine is working effectively.

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Porträttbild av Dajana Ilic Susak.

Dajana Ilic Susak

Project manager
+46 (0) 70-230 91 50

Porträttbild av Alexander Nordström.

Alexander Nordström

Project manager
+46 (0)73-026 42 34