Learn more about how you can benefit from the funding offered to SMEs in the EU’s new framework program for research and innovation – Horizon Europe and Eurostars.
In addition to receiving information about the new program and the calls, you will also have the opportunity to listen to representatives from EU SME Support, who will talk about the support available to SMEs who want to apply for EU funding.
You will also get a unique insight into how Evelina Vågesjö from Ilya Pharma AB and Per Nilsson from Pilloxa AB reasoned about the application strategy and their experiences of applying for and receiving funding. The seminar is aimed at SME companies in Life science that have an idea that is unique, scalable and has international potential.
The webinar runs within the framework of the ERDF projects (European Regional Development Fund) BIO-X Accelerate (East Middle Sweden), STHLM Life Scale-Up and STHLM Life Tech (Stockholm).