Welcome to the information meeting about the leadership program
Founder to leader
Growing companies go through many different phases during their growth, when the founders are expanded to a smaller force with a ”start-up mentality”, more employees are added, experts, new hierarchies, more in similar positions and where a few employees have soon become ten or twenty. During all these phases, different ways of working are required, needs for culture or internal communication, as well as more administrative tasks, structure and clarity.
There is a great need for transparency, sensitivity, and perhaps large staff turnover – as conditions change. No two organizations are identical, but the tools for growing together as a team are about the same.
We have noticed the need for a development program that further strengthens the innovative environment that is characteristic of start-ups and growth companies with a focus on strengthening the team skills required to be able to create results with others and that can offer an arena for developing it. own leadership.
What: Information meeting about the program ”Founder to Leader”
When: June 9th, 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Where: Digital (link will be sent to all registered)
For who: Founders and leaders in SME companies developing innovative products/services, in the Life science sector, in Eastern Central Sweden (Uppsala, Västmanlands, Sörmlands, Östergötlands and Örebro county).
The information meeting as well as the program will be held in Swedish
The program is in the form of interactive digital meetings (alternatively physical meetings if the restrictions allow) on three occasions during the autumn, 7/9, 5/10 and 19/10 . In these, ”micro lectures” are given, as well as reflection sessions in small groups and all together. Some examples of themes that we will deepen during our meetings:
• My abilities and my strengths as a leader
• Developing leadership and self-leadership – to take the leadership role and make it my
• Action- and image- influence in the leadership role
• I as a team player and co-leader based on situation and assignment
• The group and the system – high-performing teams for increased goal fulfillment, learning and innovation
• The group as a lasting or short-term system – sustainability and exit strategies
• Teaming – the five steps of the teaming process
• Trust, team development and creativity to take advantage of the members’ abilities
• Leadership and communication
Maximum 12 companies with a maximum of 2 people per company will be accepted. First come!
This program is organized in collaboration with IPF, and is part of the initiatives run by STUNS Life science through the project BIO-X Accelerate.