Case evening with STUNS Life Science
On November 23rd STUNS Life Science are bringing back the successful Case evenings and this time together with Bjerking, Complyit and Biohackeri. We invite students from Uppsala university and Swedish university of agricultural sciences to meet up, share ideas and discuss challenge-driven cases from the business sector.
The case evening aims to connect different parts of our local Life science ecosystem. The goal is to create a meeting place and generate innovative ideas, but most importantly we want our guests to have a great time and be able to express their ideas in an open forum. During the evening representatives from the participating parties will each present a case directly ascending from the industry to the students. Students will solve the cases together and get the chance to mingle with representatives from STUNS, Bjerking, Complyit and Biohackeri. This time, we also want to the evening to act as a sneak peak for Life science stories, a concept starting this spring where students work with challenge-driven projects from companies within the framework of independent projects on bachelor level.
The whole event is planned by Amanda Wallskog, one of our competent student employees.
Are you a student interested in attending? Sign up for the case evening
Date: November 23rd
Adress: Hubben, Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 38, 752 37 Uppsala
Food served: A dinner sandwich
Amanda Wallskog
Master student in Molecular Biotechnology Engineering at Uppsala University
Get to know our guests
Bjerking is a consultant company within tech towards the social structure. Their offices are placed in Uppsala and Stockholm. They believe in personal interest and the power of being smart together, to build on what works in an innovative way. With the care of tomorrow, they create smart solutions to complex issues. Through challenging, building a dialogue and cooperating towards a future that is sustainable, healthy, and durable.
Biohackeri is a non-profit that aims to make research especially biology and biotechnology, accessible to the everyday person. They want to empower citizens to solve problems with the lens of biology and self-experimentation. They have a series of actions that help them reach their goals listed above such as workshops, events, and self-experiments.
Complyit is a consultant company that offers project management, quality control, and validation within the pharmaceuticals- and medicine industry. Within these projects, there is a high demand for the employees’ experience and knowledge. They are particularly interested in finding employees with large social competence, who can add value to every customer. When they are recruiting there is a focus on the individuals’ special skill, knowledge, and personality.
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